Nieuws 1 Malvin Schuivens 6 februari 2019
Team Ninja gaf de volgende statement over de Dead or Alive grafische support:
PlayStation 4 Pro enables 1080p resolution maintaining the processing speed, and the quality of stages and effects will be higher than on the base PS4. On the other hand, Xbox One X will reach a maximum resolution of 4K which is different from the base Xbox One.
It’s impossible to maintain 60fps at all times with 4K resolution, but you’ll enjoy beautiful graphics. There are some options to prioritize graphics or action so you can choose which one you prefer.
The game is not compatible with HDR on PC. That being said, Xbox One X is the only platform that allows you to enjoy HDR with this game.
Het lijkt er dus op dat de X versie zelfs hogere resolutie heeft dan de Windows versie van de game. Alhoewel een sterke computer natuurlijk de frame rates flink omhoog kan duwen tegenover consoles. Dat de PC versie geen HDR support heeft is nog te overzien, of Playstation 4 fans blij zullen zijn met de 1080p support is nog maar de vraag. Maar, Team Ninja belooft ons het volgende:
It’s engaging, fun and looks downright awesome. So are the levels that are based more in realism. In addition to being able to fight around a giant Kraken, you also get the chance to fight in arenas that are as simple as having a few spectators around. These spectators also get involved, to a small degree. Knocking an enemy into a member of the crowd will see them catch the fighter and then push them right back into the fight, throwing them off balance and leaving them open to yet another attack. Small elements like this can truly add to feel of a battle, just as much as any explosions or giant squids.
From a person who’s regular time with fighting games are telling them to leave me alone while I play RPG’s or Strategy games, my hands on with Dead or Alive 6 was certainly a positive one.
I can’t help but love the aesthetic choice, with the design and look of characters being absolutely fantastic. This is rounded off with interesting levels, with some being more realistic and others having the more fantastical elements that the series has had before. It’s engaging and fun as well as easy to get into, that’s by far the most important thing here.
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Dead or Alive 6 Fighting PS4 Pro Team Ninja Xbox One X
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Hi! Ik ben Malvin! Fanatiek gamer en eeuwig kind. MMO's is waar het allemaal begon, maar tegenwoordig gebruik ik mijn rukbunker ook wel voor een lekker potje Rainbow Six Siege of Apex Legends. Buiten de games ben ik altijd in voor een toffe serie of film.
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