Fortnite heeft een tijdelijke Avengers: Endgame-spelmodus uitgebracht. In de modus moet Thanos proberen de zes Infinity Stones te verzamelen, terwijl een team van helden de wapens van de Avengers-superhelden gebruikt om de vijand tegen te houden.
Lees hieronder de details van de nieuwe gane mode. Mode Details
Endgame features a team of heroes fighting to stop Thanos and his Chitauri from claiming all six Infinity Stones.
Both teams respawn when eliminated until the other side completes their objective.
On one side is the Hero team. Heroes respawn when eliminated until the enemy team has found all six Infinity Stones.
Heroes start with a treasure map that leads directly to a Mythic Avengers item.
Other Avengers items can be found in Chests throughout the map.
The goal for the Hero team is to destroy the Chitauri army and defeat Thanos.
Team Thanos is comprised of Chitauri Invaders and Thanos himself.
Chitauri Invaders start with a powerful laser rifle, an anti-structure grenade attack, and a jetpack that lets them briefly leap high into the air.
The first Chitauri to recover an Infinity stone will be transformed into Thanos.
Thanos has a powerful punch, a destructive beam attack, and the ability to jump high into the air and then smash anything in his way when he comes back down.
Each time an Infinity Stone is claimed, Thanos’ abilities grow more powerful and the Chitauri gain health.
Reality Stone (Red) = Heath & Shields doubled (1000->2000)
Soul Stone (Orange) = Siphon activated (grants Thanos shields only)
Mind Stone (Yellow) = Jump height doubled
Space Stone (Blue) = Ground Pound AOE size tripled, damage x6
Time Stone (Green) = Big knockback added to each hit, damage x3
Power Stone (Purple) = Laser damage x6
If Thanos is eliminated from the match, another Chitauri will become him after a short wait (unless Thanos is the last one standing).
If Thanos & the Chitauri find all six Infinity Stones, Heroes will no longer be able to respawn.
The goal for Thanos and his army is to find the stones and then eliminate the remaining heroes.
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