Epic Games heeft details vrijgegeven over de meest recente patch voor Fortnite op PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch en iOS. Servers van de game waren een tijdje offline zodat patch 5.20 toegepast kon worden.
Naast een hele hoop performance en gameplay tweaks werden een aantal nieuwe features aan zowel de Battle Royale en Save the World modes van Fortnite toegevoegd. Een van de grootste toevoegingen is de double barrel shotgun. Epic beschreef deze als vernietigend op korte afstand. De update voegt ook een nieuwe limited time mode genaamd steady storm toe. De storm wacht op geen enkele speler en er zullen geen safe zones zijn. Spelers zullen dus in beweging moeten blijven en de map in de gaten moeten houden.

In save the world mode komt Ragnarok, de duistere viking, de boel onveilig maken. Spelers krijgen daarom een mythic outlander met indrukwekkende abilities waaronder een genaamd seismic impact. Daarnaast zullen nieuwe Horde challenges beschikbaar zijn. Fortnite spelers zullen zo veel loot kunnen verdienen en hun vaardigheden kunnen testen.
De volledige Fortnite patch notes zijn al bekend gemaakt. De voornaamste lees je hier:
Fortnite Update v5.20 Patch Notes (Battle Royale)
- The remaining time left in the Item Shop and Event Store will now appear correctly in Battle Royale and in Save the World.
- Certain interactions will now interrupt reloading.
Bug Fixes
- Reset to Default will now properly reset keys to the default values.
- Changing input options will show a confirmation message if replacing a current input bind.
- Audio for automatic weapons no longer cuts out after tapping the fire button and then immediately pressing and holding the fire button.
- Fixed an issue that could cause multiple selection boxes to appear when using a controller.
- Reduced memory usage of internal object reference search systems. This will help prevent out of memory crashes.
- Non-English audio device names in the audio settings menu will now display correctly.
- Players using voice chat will no longer join the wrong channels when rapidly switching parties, join the wrong voice channels, or be unable to send or receive voice chat in most cases.
- The mouse cursor lock state in windowed mode will now function properly. Alt-tabbing will return mouse lock status.
- The ‘Sprint Cancels Reload’ option will now function properly with “Sprint by Default” enabled.
- Fixed some display issues with the interaction between the display resolution, 3D resolution, and video quality settings in the Options screen.
- The keyboard ‘key’ hotkey background has been updated to increase legibility.
- Party system is now more responsive to errors related to connection loss when sending certain party messages like kicking and promoting. Should reduce issues with managing party.
Battle Royale
Limited Time Mode: Steady Storm
Summary: Steady Storm has one constantly moving storm closing in on the island. Stay ahead of it and take down the other players to earn a Victory Royale!
Mode Details
- One Storm that closes in over the course of 15 minutes.
- There are no safe zone circles. Keep an eye on the map to predict where the Storm will close in.
- The Storm does 10 damage per second.
- Profile Stats (K/D & Wins) and Challenges are tracked in this mode.
Weapons + Items
- Double Barrel Shotgun added.
- Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
- Can be found from floor loot, chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.
- Delivers high burst damage at very close range but damage falls off heavily at distance.
- Fires 10 pellets like other Shotguns, has a larger spread, lower critical damage multiplier (1.25x), and a 2 second cooldown time when swapping weapons.
- Epic Variant
- Up to 143 base damage per shot at extreme close range.
- Legendary Variant
- Up to 150 base damage per shot at extreme close range.
- Vending Machine rebalance.
- Vending Machines spawn more often, cost less, and have an increased chance to spawn at a higher rarity.
- Common Vending Machine
- Spawn chance reduced from 7.27% to 6.67%.
- Material cost reduced from 100 to 75.
- Uncommon Vending Machine
- Spawn chance increased from 14.55% to 20%.
- Material cost reduced from 200 to 150.
- Rare Vending Machine
- Spawn chance increased from 14.55% to 20%.
- Material cost reduced from 300 to 225.
- Epic Vending Machine
- Spawn chance increased from 5.45% to 18.67%.
- Material cost reduced from 400 to 300.
- Legendary Vending Machine
- Spawn chance increased from 3.64% to 8%.
- Material cost reduced from 500 to 375.
- Chance for no Vending Machine to spawn at a location reduced from 54.67% to 26.66%
- Reduced Remote Explosives drop count and max stack size.
- Drop count reduced from 4 to 3.
- Max stack size reduced from 10 to 6.
- Added a higher accuracy penalty to jumping and sprinting for Dual Pistols, Submachine Guns, and Hunting Rifles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the storm in phase 6 to do 1 less damage than intended.
- Fixed replication issues caused by interacting with a Guided Missile.
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