Fallout 76 Closed Beta zal deelnemers via steekproef filteren

Xbox One-spelers krijgen als eerste toegang tot de bèta van de online survivalgame. Daarna volgen de pc- en PlayStation 4-gamers. De precieze datum en tijden worden nog aangekondigd door Bethesda.

Volgens een recente forumpost door Bethesda lid Jurrassica selecteert de firma zelf spelers die mee mogen doen aan de bèta.
De post in zijn gaat als volgt

Popping in to say that it’s been very fun seeing everyone’s discussion on Fallout 76 and what your hopes and thoughts are about the game. I and members of the studio regularly lurk, and it’s been great to read through your questions and feedback. With that in mind, we know you’re anxious to learn more about the game and more specifically, about the B.E.T.A.
Starting in October we’ll be selecting people who have pre-ordered the game from a participating retailer to enter our B.E.T.A. We’ll start small and grow over time as we prepare for launch. Be sure you’ve read our F.A.Q., for details on how to redeem your B.E.T.A. code and other important details.
To clarify, everyone who pre-orders at a participating retailer will be included in the B.E.T.A.
Beyond that, we know you have numerous questions about the game. Things are still changing and being iterated on, so we cannot answer everything yet, but we encourage you to submit your questions. During the Fallout 76 panel at QuakeCon we’ll be answering some of your questions. If you’re in Dallas, come join us. If you’re not able to make in person, you can check out all the fun via the live stream airing on Mixer. Send questions our way by posting them here in the forums, on any of the Fallout subreddits, Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Thank you again for all your patience, discussion, feedback, and thoughts as we get closer to the launch of Fallout 76!

Uiteindelijk moet iedereen met een pre-order toegang krijgen tot de bèta, maar dat zal niet aan het begin van de bèta het geval zijn. Fallout 76 zelf komt op 14 november uit voor pc, PS4 en Xbox One.

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